Saturday, February 27, 2010

How to Make the Perfect Omlete

When ever I think of omelets I think of the scene in the movie "Defending your life" where the guy is in judgement city and orders an omelet. Within seconds he was served the most delisious looking omelete. He said, "Wow! That was fast!" "Fast and delicious!" said the waitress.
That is what I was hoping for when I first started making omelets, a delicious and eye catching breakfast that looks so good that it makes your stomach growl. Unfortunately my first omelet looked more like messy scrambled eggs. an omlete can be a messy and tricky task, and it is dissapointing when it doesn't turn out looking nice.
Here I will show you an easy way to make a picture perfect omelet.

In my example I am making a personal sized omlete, but it is the same techniques for a large family omlete.
First you want to pick out your ingredeients such as onions, peppers, mushrooms, green onions, ham, tomoato, chesese, ect... If you are using ingredients that need to be sauteed first such as onions, peppers or mushrooms, do this first in your pan with a little olive oil and set them aside in a bowl.
Now you are ready to start your omlete. First, preheat your pan at a medium to medium to medium high heat with a little olive oil.
Mix together two eggs, a little milk, salt and pepper and mixed well.

Next, pour the egg into your pan and turn the temputature down to a medium heat

cover with a tight fitting lid. Let cook for about 3 minutes or until the egg is completely cooked through(this will take longer for larger omletes, so if you are using more eggs, decrease the temp and cook longer so the bottom doesnt burn.

Once you see that the egg is fully cooked, flip your omelet. With a small one like this you can do it just with a pancake flipper, but I demonstrated here the method that I use to flip larger omelets and still keep them looking nice. (Sorry I burnt my omelet a little while waiting to get someone to film me)
Next you will add your toppings to half of the omelet.

For larger omelets I slide the omelet onto the plate and then fold, but for smaller ones you can fold it in the pan and then use a pancake flipper to put it on the plate!
Bon Appetite!

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